Saturday, May 8, 2010


Here is a list of instrumentals that can give you a break from what you're hearing on the radio:

1. Love's Theme - Barry White
2. Chase - Giorgio Moroder
3. Miami Vice Theme - Jan Hammer
4. On Earth as it is in Heaven - Ennio Morricone
5. The Entertainer - Marvin Hamlisch version
6. A Fifth of Beethoven - Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band
7. Blue Danube - Strauss (2001 A Space Oddyssey soundtrack)

You may say I'm excluding some and it's highly likely. What I like about instrumentals is that they allow me to think more clearly then when there are lyrics.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't tase me, bro!

A couple of nights during a Philadelphia Phillies home game a 17 year old fan ran onto the field. This practice of running onto the playing field during a game dates back to the 70s, when they usually were naked, too. Baseball's expansive outfields are the best spot to run on the field as they allow for plenty of time in the limelight as the players just look on passively.

Normally this wouldn't be newsworthy but in Philadelphia the fan was "tased" by a cop. Wikipedia says,
"A Taser is an electroshock weapon that uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles...Tasers were introduced as less-lethal weapons to be used by police to subdue fleeing, belligerent, or potentially dangerous subjects, often when what they consider to be a more lethal weapon would have otherwise been used."

My dispute with the sentence above is that it should be "and" instead of "or". Philly fan was fleeing and belligerent but not dangerous. If someone is dangerous than I'm all for a tase. I think they should have just caught him and removed him from the field.

Take a look at another you think he deserved it?