Over the Christmas/New Year holidays I went to the doctor for the first time in many many years. I am not fond of the sterile environment; drab uniforms, needles, boring artwork, certificates on walls, etc. I also dislike the forms, the waiting and waiting, and the lame magazines. More than anything I detest dropping trow and turning my head to the right and left and coughing while a doctor touches my privates. I'm 36 now and don't believe it's necessary anymore. TMI???
At this visit I did blood tests and have high cholesterol of the bad kind. The doctor asked me if I exercise (yes), told me to watch how much fat I eat, and was nice enough not to tell me to lose weight.
Tonight I was grocery shopping and I needed some ground beef for tomorrow night's spaghetti and meatballs. I forced myself to look at the nutritional labels. First was the 80/20 ground beef at $3.29 a pound. I didn't have a calculator with me but I deduced that it meant 80% fat and 20% meat. I set it down and picked up the beef with about half the fat as the other which was $4.99 a lb. I struggled between my frugal nature and the images I could recall from the novel The Jungle. Finally I thought about the doctor's office and put the expensive meat in the cart and moved on. Score one for good health!
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