Plot - Milton Reese is enjoying a fine season and even attacting the attention of college scouts. As the episode opens we see the closing of a game in which Reese improbably scores four points and gets an assist in literally seconds. Reggie Miller would have been jealous. He is quickly brought back to earth after the game when his girlfriend informs him she is pregnant.
The rest of the episode goes back and forth between the young lovers' predicament and Reeves doing some thinking and investigating. Reeves discovers, perhaps even before the audience does, that Darlene is not actually pregnant. She is the oldest of eight or nine siblings and doesn't want to lose Reese to a scholarship, and concocted the plan to trap him into marrying her.
Thanks to coach Reeves, with a minor assist from Miss Buchanan, the problem was averted.
Observations -
In the pilot Reeves drove a nice convertible Roadster; in this episode he drove a massive Woody.
The principal changed. It was no longer his benign buddy from the pilot but a more intense man who seems more likely to bend to Miss Buchanan but is still somehow Reeves' old friend, although they have little rapport or chemistry.
Teen pregnancy was not a typical topic on tv in 1978, so this was considered a bold episode at the time.
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