Is a half-hearted attempt better than none at all???
For some odd reason I prefer the concept of finishing a book more than the act itself. Tonight at the library I resisted the temptation to check out a book since I have some I'm currently reading but haven't finished yet. I estimate I finish about a fifth of the books I start.
This has even reached to my two sons to whom I was reading Treasure Island and an abridged version of The Jungle Book. Needless to say we're not reading them anymore.
Here are some books I'm working on that hopefully will make it to a review on this blog:
The Best and the Brightest by David Halberstam - Covers history of decisions leading to and keeping US in the Vietnam War.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle- New Age book was recommended to me to ease occasional insomnia.
The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly - recommended to me by a co-worker. Pretty good but like most self-help books they are hard to finish as their is no storyline.
The Everything Chess book - The only thing harder than playing chess is reading about it. I just need someone to sit down and teach me how to play better.
These are just the bedside books. There are more scattered around the house.
Two that come to mind quickly are Sense and Sensibility and The Great Train Robbery.
I have mixed feelings about this. First of all no one cares, much less me. But there is some small voice telling me I should plow ahead and by doing that I will come across something valuable. Finally, to paraphrase a airline magazine article, "if there were so many good books, then why are you sitting here reading this blog?"
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