This weekend I made a short business trip to Baltimore, Maryland and I'm debating whether this even counts as a visit to the state. I was only there 15 hours, it was overcast and raining, and all I did was go from the airport to a downtown hotel and back.
I'd like to go back sometime for a couple of days, catch a baseball game, and go outside the city too. The word to describe this affliction is wanderlust. I always thought the word had Irish roots but it actually comes from Germany.
Here's the proof from dictionary.com which proves again that Wikipedia is right:
wan·der·lust /ˈwɒndərˌlʌst/ Show Spelled[won-der-luhst]
a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
1850–55; < G, equiv. to wander(n) to wander + Lust desire; see lust
Today my wife was trying to cull books from our bookshelf. I have many travel books of places I've never been and for languages I've never even attempted to learn. A person that doesn't care to travel would think I'm slightly mad but another like-minded individual would understand completely. Needless to say, I wouldn't allow her to remove any of them.
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