A slender middle-aged man paces leisurely in front of the Grand Hyatt Irvine lobby on an occasionally breezy Saturday afternoon. Nobody really notices him. There are millions of unremarkable men like him. When the wind picks up he deftly pulls his hand over his head. The first time he did it his sleight-of-hand was so good I didn't notice. But inevitably the wind picked up again I got to watch him do it again from start to finish. And then another time. By then I noticed the man had a combover. Men with combovers loathe windy days.
According to Wikipedia (believe it) a comb over or combover is a hairstyle worn by bald or balding men in which the hair on one side of the head is grown long and then combed over the bald area to minimize the display of baldness.
After noticing this man I noticed three more combovers at the LAX airport later that day. One was a man that couldn't have been more than 35. Men with hair can't fathom why others do that. They say "I would never do that, I'd just accept my baldness." Judging by all the combovers my guess is that it's easier said than done.
Next time you see a combover instead of grunting some condescending comment please just try not to stare and change the subject in your mind. The combover man will appreciate your indifference. It's 2010 and he's still far from the endangered list so just let it be.
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