Anything containg the words antioxidants, superfruits, exotic tropical locations, and better health made easy will get my attention. Enter Bossa Nova acai juice.
Acai berries are purplish and come from the Amazon jungle in Brazil. People native to that area are allegedly healthier than most. Bossa Nova is a California-based company markets acai juice in a 10 oz. bottle for $2.99. I've been drinking 3-4 ounces every day and it tastes pretty good if you drink it like a shot.
There are several superfruit juice products like this. You may have seen juices with pomengranate, goji berry, or mangosteen. According to Consumer Reports none of them can really claim anything but that won't stop me from buying it. I guess it's just part of being human. People have been concocting elixirs, panaceas, and magic potions for centuries. If they at least make people think they feel better then perhaps they serve a purpose.
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